Friday, June 6, 2008

Living the secondhand life in Eagle Co. (The Aspen Times)

GYPSUM, Colo. Bill and Bobbie Foster's log cabin house in Gypsum is like a big, wooden patchwork quilt.

Important Update:An antique is classified as a piece of furniture that is older than 100 years and has retained an appeal to the buyer. Georgian period items, Regency furniture, Victorian and Edwardian pieces offer their own distinctive style to fit with the surroundings of many modern homes.

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debut DIY video ... geriatric hippie on acoustic guitar, not sure what to call the style ... alternative folk-rock, i guess ... apologies for the incredibly antique-grade video but that's the cam we gots, pedal to the metal ... on the positive side, the low resolution helps hide the gathering wrinkles as the body begins folding in on itself, yippee ... song title is borrowed from the Philip K Dick novel that the movie Bladerunner was based on ... lyrics are designed to be self-similar with each rendition but never be the same ... musically, the song is a moronically simple 2-chord jam ... rofl

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